Gerolstein Invades Pan-Slavia
The Gerolstein army enters the town.
The Duchess commands her army. (Unfortunately palace intrigues led to her replacement by her sister and then her sister was also deposed by the third sister. The army halted twice when a crucial advance could have been made).
Army Light Green cavalry defend Pan-Slavia
Army Light Green passes through the town of Frostgrave.
A Pan-Slavian spy is killed after she attempted, but failed to detonate a bomb over the Gerolsteiner voltigeurs but then her second bomb managed to kill a few of them as they entered the building.. She was hidden in the top storey of a building in the town of Deutros. Her demure pse fooled no-one especially as she drew a pistol and killed one man.
The horrors of Pan-Slavian wildlife encountered by Gerolsteiner voltigeurs..
Gerolstein voltigeurs take up position near a hunting lodge and manage to shoot some enemy irregulars.
In the distance, the Army Light Green (Pan-Slavia).
The Gerolstein duchess
Alexis The Contessa of Transylvania
Army Light Green Guard occupy a hill and sustain a direct shot from medium artillery.
Army Light Green advances.
The red Jacket guard leads the Left flank. It came under devastating fire.
Elite Gerolstein light infantry.
Gerolstein Guard. (The uniform is in transition from red to blue).
Gerolstein artillery missed their targets until finally hitting a guard unit and an enemy limber. The latter put a cannon out of use for a round.
The guard accounted well for itself until whittled down to a handful.
The thin blue lineThe Army Light Green Guard defend the farm.
The Gerolsteiners secure the hunting lodge.
Spy hunting
A spy is guarded,
Army Light Green cavalry are attacked from the side even as they fight the Gerolsteiner infantry.
Gerolsteiners make progress against the enemy left flank.
Resupply for Gerolstein.
Gerolstein's glorious guard a shadow of its former self.
Army Light Green assembled an effective firing line on its right flank and faced it inwards.
Gerolstein closes in on the farm.
The Game:
Mat and I used our slightly modified version of Funny Little Wars rules.
Mat's Army Light Green consisted of more infantry inits but also more irregulars and militia whilst Gerolstein infantry all fired as elite. Mat's army had two guard units.
Both sides had swift infantry. Gerolstein had two machine guns and two medium cannons compared to four Army Light Green light guns but only two saw much action.
Mat also had three secretly placed spies who necessitated me using one unit of infantry tp search the buildings in the town first encountered. This also delayed the movement of my two machine guns. The Army Light Green spy generation was tripled to get the three spies but I obtained no spies of my own at all. Mat's spies includied a woman in traditional colourful peasant dress, a smarmy looking fellow in coat with hands in pockets and an apparent fisherman. All were equipped with deadly infernal devices and pistols and caused some deaths among my troops. However one spy was blown to pieces by his own bomb and another bomb went 'phut'!
Each side also had three units of cavalry.
Ammunition was confined to six rounds per unit and Gerolstein forces almost ran out before the wagons arrived.
The objectives were two towns, a hunting lodge and a farm. At the end we each had two objectives although the farm held by Army Light green was close to being over-run and Army Light Green forces would eventually have threatened Gerolstein control of the hunting lodge.
A stand off occurred on the other flank with neither side's cavalry charging, although I tried to provoke Mat into charging by machine gunning his cavalry. The range saved them.
We played for fourteen moves with the result close to a draw but with narrow win to me for capturing mat;s spy. (The other two were killed).
The game began around 11.30 AM and ended by 5 PM with a half our break. It was a mild and sunny day with shade from a large tree.
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