New Fire Engine

The cotton looking stuff is cat hair from my pet, Neville!   Underneath it has the brand, Prism Art and Design Limited and it says UK but made in China,

`This was a very cheap op shop acquisition. The wind up hose is a nice touch although the nozzle is over sized. It lacks tyres - any ideas? I already had the driver.


  1. It is possible to make passable tyres from polymer clay / sculpey / green stuff. Happy Christmas and many best wishes for a converty New Year!

  2. I have used Green Stuff before, although the result was a little uneven.I haven't tried Sculpey. Does it need firing?

  3. Black silicone sealant perhaps? Or black tape as used by electricians? Or - depending on the size - black rubber seals as used in sink/shower plumbing. Let us know what you decide on!


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