Speedwell Hunter

I bought this white plastic figure from Les, through Ebay. I already have a number of H K brown plastic copies that I have painted and this figure lacks paint but I bought it anyway.

As a child I played wargames on the floor with my friend Pete. He had the Speedwell natives that his mother gave him mixed with American Indians. Usually they were attacking his wooden fort, manned by cowboys and US cavalry. (No copies seem to have been made of the natives).

Peter thoughtfully added a big red cross to the front of the white hunter to make him into a medic, albeit armed.

I acquired Pete's entire collection when he became 'too old' for such things around age 14, I think. At his mother's prompting he sold the collection for a very cheap price.

The 'medic' eventually lost his head and then his legs as the plastic became brittle. This fate did not occur with the black plastic natives. (Having swapped some of these natives thirty odd years ago I am now lacking the native with white hunter prisoner so if anyone has one they'd like to sell or swap for figures or paint jobs please let me know).


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