Modern Cheapo American Marching Infantry And Tank

The modern American infantry are cheapo made in China. Well actually they could be, given modern military fashion, soldiers of a number of countries. I varied their racial makeup and painted them in desert camo.

The tank, which cost around $8, I'll most likely also paint in desert colours but any suggestions are welcome. I'm not a tank expert but maybe someone can suggest what it is based on. An Abrams would be nice but the turret is not large enough for that.

                                             Okay, it's a Bradley like the real ones below.

            And here is the toy painted as a desert vehicle. I'm not sure about the shade of sand colour and I might repaint it with a more yellow sand colour.


  1. These are quite ghastly - but in a good way! The ā€˜tankā€™ looks to be a representation of an M-2 Bradley IFV. Iā€™ve seen a similar horror in shops here in the UK.

  2. I think it's supposed to be a Bradley M2 IFV.....

  3. The tank looks rather like a Bradley. It's got the slim profile cannon, and the tow missile two pack on the left side.

  4. Thanks for the comments. I know what it is now and it could be used for Gulf War setups.


  5. The "Bradley" has the look of the earlier M113A1 about the hull to me. The turret is too big, but it is a toy after all.

    regards, Chris.


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