Battle For The Hill - Bogavania Versus Beerstein

   The Battle For The Hill began at 10:30 AM and finished, after a 45 minute break, at 1PM The game lasted 12 moves. Beersteiners are mostly red and yellow but with two white clothed units. Bogavanians are mostly blue or blue and white.

                              The Beersteiners use the cover of the hill to advance their armoured troops.
                 Meanwhile, on the Beersteiner left flank the Bogavanian pike and knights advance,
                         The Beersteiner pike put up a stout fight with some reversal to the Bogavanian advance but eventually succumb to the knights.
                                             Bogavanian cannon
                                               The Beersteiner left flank - touch and go.
                                       View from the Beersteiner left flank showing the centre
                                        Beersteiner left flank again: push comes to shove.
                           Despite early success the Bogavanians having vanquished Beersteiner pike, they are now exposed to musketeer fire and the Beersteiners have sent their mounted knights from the centre.
                 Overkill on the Beersteiner's left flank. But now the right flank is weakened; can they get there to help?
                 Meanwhile another gallant Bogavanian charge occurs but only two mounted knights survive and despite smiting the musketeers they are wrenched from their mounts and die under a multitude of clubbing muskets and stabbing daggers and swords, the latter looking for gaps in armour, notably the visor..
                                             The Bogavanians also advance on the centre as they see an opportunity however the Beersteiner knights have just pushed back the Bogavanian pike.

                                                  View from the Beersteiner right.
        The Bogavanian advance peters out as the Beersetiners effectively use cannon and musketry.
     The Beersteiner mounted knights rush around the rocky crag to join the central melee. They suffer a loss of half their men from an accurate enemy cannon blast but still get to their destination.

Yes, for those scratching their heads this is fantasy but only a little. The ECW still had the Lobsters who were almost as heavily armoured as medieval knights. The main difference is the foot knights who could more than give the pike a run for their money.

The Matchlocks were upgraded to be more dangerous to armour although though shorter ranged and slower than bows. Provided the matchlock men kept their distance from plate armoured men they had a chance. Casualties were determined by consulting a table and using 12 sided dice that covered to hit, wound and armour in one roll. Cannon casualties were determined by six sided dice with a D 6 for determining hits. The three cannons per side were not provided limbers so were stuck where they were set up and could fire once every second turn. Each side had one mounted knight unit, two foot knight units, one with pole arms such as halberds, four musketeer units and two pike units. Victory was based on possession of table quarters.

The knights have a very high ability in combat regarding initiative and ability to withstand punishment. Unlike other units they do not have to roll a dice to check for morale to charge but they do have to roll a dice to NOT go into combat, just in case the general does not want them committed. One of my units of knights defied me and engaged the Bogavanian pike but as it happened they reached their target and successfully pushed them back. However, if there are few terrain obstacles such as hills and groups of trees they are vulnerable to musketry and cannon.


Bogavania versus Orcland!


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