A Furnace Of Flame Throwers
First up is the Lone Star one with matchbox flamer head. He has been painted in my version of a Bordurian uniform.
I put some slate stones and a piece of twig on the card base along with the usual sand to draw attention away from his short legs. The figure is yet to be varnished. (The boots will have a sheen). I am very happy with how the flame tuned out and it has inspired me to do some more.
Here is the Matchbox German with Lone Star head painted, surprise, surprise, as a German. The blue collar appears here brighter than it is.
Unfortunately I realised later that the flamer barrel is bent, something which is going to bug me no end. But I guess flames could fire around corners, unlike most gun barrels, (Yes, the Germans did design a rifle that could!)
With the two conversions in the background here are the Lone Star unconverted flame throwers. The grey one is in original colours but the Afrika Corps version I partially repainted when I was a very young man.
At right foreground is a Timmee? American flame thrower with hollowed out cheapo Chinese knight's helmet. I was once creating a generic fictitious army and the brass helmet colour lends itself to steam punk.
Here are the Bordurian pals, including special trench raiding party I did some years ago. They are a mix of Airfix and Matchbox. I got the idea of trench raider conversions from a very old Airfix magazine article. WW1 trench raiders sed a variety of close combat weapons including ones taken from museums.
The middle front figure is the Matchbox figure unconverted but painted as a Bordurian.
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