WW2 German Civilians Continued.

I found the missing Hitler Youth on the loungeroom floor where he evidently fell when I was assembling these figures whilst sitting on the couch. The old lady is still missing - all I have is her walking stick! Hopefully she didn't end up in the vacuum cleaner and will appear also. 

Anyhow this evening I painted the youth and finished the man in a suit. I followed the colours on the box art fairly faithfully as they seemed to be typical colours. The Hitler Youth's shirt was painted with GW Vomit Brown which was just the right shade! His shorts came out a bit glossy. Maybe they are now leather! The insignia on the arm was unclear on the box but I think it was a black and white triangle. I should have looked it up but someone will tell me. It wasn't a swastika arm band.
I think that's a Sesame Street building in the background!
I'm happy with the results. It is interesting to have civilians from different periods of history.  it has occurred to me that the policeman could also be painted in dark blue coat for an earlier period.
The toy soldiers have to have a country that they come from which is full of civilians.


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