Blusia invades Zoohoo Land

The Blusian envoys are presently held captive at the village of Moofoosa. After delivering a Blusian ultimatum regarding the border with the Blusian colony of Gravon they were incarcerates. Much noise was made about insults to 'Blusian honour'.
Meanwhile the Blusian fort of Croisant, which the Zoohoos have long complained, is on their territory, is facing a siege. Lines of Blusian Foreign Legion have taken position in front of the fort and on the battlements.
A relief column of Zouaves, Legionaires and lancers pushes through the lush plains of Gondooka before they can reach the sesert lands rumoured to hold great quantities of diamonds.  A small force of Zoohoos is occupiong a nearby temple to the Moon god.

Legionaires stand resolute and defiant as a huge host gathers before them.

                                          The temple to the Moon god holds a surprise.
A solid Legion defence but the risk of being over whelmed in the open is there.

                                                 A horde of Zoohoos converges on the fort.
                                           The first waves hit the legion but is repelled.
                                         Half the soldiers in the open flea into the fort and the rest are left to fend for themselves so they curve around the walls and divide their fire at three native units.
                                       The relief lancers in the relief column stumbles into a large unit of irregular cavalry and retreats!
                                                              But it rallies and charges!

                                             ā€¦ along with a unit of the legion!
                                       Meanwhile some diminished Zoohoo units flee away from the fort.
              But there are plenty more and the remaining outside Blusian unit is in peril from three sides!

                                                The relief column continues its march.
             The fort is looking like it is being submerged under a Zoohoo deluge! The defenders pour rifle and pistol fire into them.

                        The Zoohoo artillery are unusually accurate as they sweep soldiers from the battlements.
                                             The Blusian Gatling opens up on the temple.
                                               Zoohoos attempt to block any relief force.
                                                   The Legion must shut the gates before their gun can be used because the alternative is being over whelmed by the enemy horde.

The Zoohoos have suffered huge casualties but the fort's garrison is greatly reduced, with one cannon crew wiped out and machine gunners killed by artillery fire. Things are looking desperate. We will see next week what the outcome is.


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