Alice And The Fairies

Okay, it isn't really Alice but reminds me of her. The girl came in the aliens versus humans set and the fairies came in the fantasy tube, I might convert another one with Alice's signature long hair. This particular figure had a rolling pin which I cut off.

The fairies are really something different. There is some, presumably accidental, slight variation in their hand positions. The arms seem to have been made separately and then fixed to the figures. The one with hands close to her face might benefit from the addition of a blowgun made from a length of wire or even very fine brass tubing.

How I would use them in a game is to give them infiltration and flying. A blow gun could target any individual and hit on a five or six. Then the target would go to sleep for D6 turns. A fairy spell could target D6 figures in a unit or in close proximity and put them all to sleep for D6 moves; this one could not target specific individuals in a unit. The range would be a little longer than the blow gun. I would have either 5 to 6 to take affect or use the Warhammer rules on casting magic.

The 'Alice' figure has a really nice face and the head is big enough to transplant on adult figures. I might put one on the serpent woman as her head is not the best. of course, I would add the necessary serpents to her head for hair.


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