Science Fiction Retro Figures Painted

As mentioned in  previous post there is no consistent colour scheme to refer to but when I used a new spray undercoat for plastics I decided I liked the colour - turquoise! The shade doesn't entirely show up here, just looking like light blue. I was going to paint the troopers in dark green or dark blue and purple. The red helmets, however, seem to be very common in the old SF comics.

The gums have been painted with GW Bright Bronze and they are deliberately ambiguous.

               The ancient Greek has been given a metallic blue Warhammer 40K shooter.
     The putty armour on the ex-cowboy has also been painted Bright Bronze. It can be interpreted as an ordinary metal or some modern alloy resistant to lasers.

When Mat and I start up our campaigns again and as our armies and countries modernise I envisage using those troops as having various types of firearms.


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