Mitre Cap Guardsmen Nearly Complete

The Swiss, Brits and Hessians are nearing completion, although only the Hessians will be close to my usual unit size of 24 figures. I'll add more conversions to the others later.
A handful of the figures had been painted years ago. The Swiss blue is probably too light but the light also makes it even lighter. All these chaps will end up in fictitious nations and wars any way.

I still need to finish cap details on the Swiss. I am not big on the 18th century partly because of the time it takes to paint all that cuff and other details! But I do want representative armies for different epochs. And they do look good when finished.
I wasn't trying to get a model finish, especially as most of the figures were fairly basic anyway and there are so many to paint. However I do like a reasonable level of detail.

When I finish painting all the details and tidy up the figures and add the flocking I'll post more pictures.


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