Today I did a cheapo plastic junk hunt. Among the 'treasures' were two bags of very bad, flattened copies of Matchbox WW2. Well what do I need those for, I thought, given I have hundreds of ORIGINAL Matchbox and Airfix? Not much at all', I answered, unless I want to improve my slug gun accuracy.
The modern tank and especially the copter are way out of scale. The knife might be good to give an ogre figure and a box (not shown) includes three nice scale sub machine guns.
The dog is the best figure and clinched my decision to buy two of the the $4 bags. Except for the collar it would make a good wolf and I want a wolf pack but wasn't going to buy ten bags to make it. I have some Warhammer and other wolves already who will contribute to the pack. Or I might use the figure as a dog on a chain for a soldier or cop. Wouldn't you know it but the tail broke off before I even got it home - easily fixed with drill and wire though.
It is a blurred photo but his teeth are well moulded on.
This figure is more like 1/24 and has a weird gun.
But I am drawn to weird figures and among them were these larger scaled long haired modern warriors. Well, actually, I already had one which I had given old Warhammer 40K futuristic weapons that are now hand guns instead of heavier weapons. Below are two of the figures, one which has a large cancerous growth on his hand! He requires plastic surgery! At least his little knife is intact. The face would be good for a female figure but the body is too beefy to be your everyday female.
Below is the figure painted as a kind of Flash Gordon retro SF hero. What possessed the manufacturer I don't know but I suspect he is meant to be a Rambo type figure so maybe I'll paint one up as such. The other I might paint as a bronze statue of some kind, probably with unusual weaponry.
This modern infantry set is better moulded and should paint up nicely. I already had some but was unsure if I had the figure making a call. Modern infantry have come a long way from the Herald radio guy.

What pure Pound / dollar store weird joy - thanks for sharing. The Little World modern figures are fairly common