'Undersized' Plastic Figures - Cowboys

I have been informed that these figures are copies of Ajax figurines. I have also been told they are copies of MPC four inch figures. I have had them quite a while now and today decided to paint them. I don't know how many are in the set but I have one other somewhere, which is a cowboy playing a guitar. The figures are in brown or blue plastic.

There are some unusual things about the sets. For one, they are about 40 mm rather than 54 mm. Another is the figure who looks more like a soldier.  There are two cowboys in chaps, one who is waving pistol and hat and one who has a lasso and a cowboy shooting rifle. There is a sheriff with hands on hips. 

Then there is my favourite who has gaiters or high lace up boots and a rifle with bayonet! The figure reminds me of the Spanish American War so this is how I painted him. What is contradictory is that he has a pistol as well as rifle with bayonet. Pistols were generally carried by officers or by cavalry. Rifles with bayonets were an infantry thing. The gaiters appear to lace up or clip in front, unlike US Army ones that did up on the sides. I painted light blue hat cords (for infantry) on the hat too wide so I'll fix it later. He would make a good soldier of fortune in an expedition to Latin America.

                                           Here is a Marx cavalryman for size comparison.

That which is undersized is purely relative. These are giants compared to Warhammer 28 mm humans but children compared to 54 mm. They are roughly smallish 1/35 figures.  I have a couple of shallow shelves for 'undersized', preferably static poses and so far have featured my Rubinstein Warriors of the World and a few others there. These are slightly smaller than those. I use the shelves to show clothing and uniform changes through history. I'm fairly happy with how these figures turned out and it was a change to do some figures NOT destined for the wargame table.

      Below is a photo shown me by my American Facebook friend, Mark Taverna.


  1. Maybe hes a renegade??
    I think it sounds like good fun to bring your cowboys to the gaming table.I'll hope I'll find some time to paint mine as well soon.

    1. I have played a lot of wargames with cowboys, although I used 54mm figures. I have used them in full scale battles, including as militia or scouts supporting the army. I also played multiplayer games with various factions having various goals (often hidden). I have played skirmish games too, with just a handful of figures and wound allocation.


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