American Civil War, Battle Of Pettyville

 Mat and I are playing some ACW games prior to us re-starting our fantasy campaign game.
Today we played the game of Pettyville.

Forces: Mat's Union forces: One A Class cavalry, one B class

                                             5 B class infantry
                                             2 C class infantry
                                             3 12 pounder horse artillery

                                             1 General and staff officer

My Confederate forces:       1 A class cavalry

                                             1 B class cavaly

                                             1 A class infantry
                                             1 oversized B class infantry ( (26 figures instead of 24)

                                             3 B class infantry

                                             3 12 pounder horse artillery

                                             1 general and staff officer.


The two armies began from the table ends, We had two separate dice rills for choosing who set up first and who had first move. I had to set up the Confederate forces first but won first move. Square Lake was skirted round on my right flank with two cavalry units and two infantry but then halted the advance.

My three cannons advanced and unlimbered in the centre where there was a clear line of fire.

I left my far left flank open, thus giving two of Mat's cannons with nothing to shoot at. However, my other infantry, behind cover, faced this flank to receive any advance by Mat's cavalry

                                      Below, my infantry prepare a trap for Mat's cavalry.


                Federal and Confederate infantry exchange volleys down the main street of Pettyville.

                                                             Feds advance in the centre,
                                                             Confederates my the far left.
                                                         CSA infantry prepare for cavalry.

                                                              Union forces behind cover

                                                             Initial Union deployment

                             CSA forces, (The blue shirts and white uniforms are Missouri forces).

                                                                     CSA advance
                                Federal forces make a dash past the Confederate infantry. The Confederate forces had already been reduce here as most had been fed into the centre. Federal cavalry casualties were minimum.
Confederate cavalry prepare to charge Union infantry in the flank.


Both sides were cautious in their advance on Perryville. A shooting match transpired for the first half of the battle. The Confederate battery failed to score hits on the one cannon they targeted but they then switched targets to enemy infantry and caused substantial casualties. 

Although the shooting was at long range the Union cannon managed to finally destroy one enemy cannon but it was the last one as the other two had been destroyed by misfires!

The Confederate A class infantry moved to the centre and added to the destruction of Federal infantry.  After exchanging long range shooting with Federal infantry on my right one regiment turned and targeted the advancing Federal infantry in the centre.

T0wards the end of the battle one of my Texas infantry changed to skirmish formation and advanced far enough to screen a cavalry regiment which turned towards the advancing enemy in the centre. The other cavalry turned back around the lake and also headed towards these enemy infantry in the centre. The first cavalry unit balked at charging but then regained its impetus and charged the Feds in the flank, utterly destroying them.

Meanwhile The Federal cavalry galloped up my left flank, sustaining minimum casualties as it rounded the rocky Confederate cover. The Confederate infantry turned to fire on the cavalry but the latter was partially shielded by rocks and were left largely unaffected.


Table quarters, 5 points each Destroyed or vanquished enemy units or cannons, 1 point each


Confederate unit losses : 3 cannons
Federal Losses: three infantry regiments
Confederate  held quarters undisputed: 1

Union held quarters: 0

CSA won by one point.

GAME LENGTH: 17 moves (After 12 moves we rolled dice each subsequent move to see if it the game continued (on a 4-6)

DURATION: Under two hours


  1. This one is 11.6 by 10 foot. That is excluding a couple of missing chunks, one in one corner and another which is either 'Square Lake' or 'Square Mountain'. The main one on the connecting garage is 12 foot by about seven foot. There is also a third smaller table which is usually too covered in stuff to use.

    1. Thanks!
      That's a generous table!!
      A lot bigger than I can accommodate in our flat.


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