Corgi Wright Brothers Plane Converted To Steam Power
This plastic Corgi Wright Brothers plane was crying out for Funny Little Wars use. I replaced the prone
pilot with a seated Airfix car driver or bus passenger and reshaped and sculpted head and face to look like leather helmet and goggles. The seat was cut down from a 1/24 car kit. I added a small scale steam engine based on an early 19th century model (The Rocket, think) I intend this plane to see service with Army Red White and Blue. I'll be painting the outer surfaces of wings and steering and tail. I'll also be adding control sticks and bombs.

pilot with a seated Airfix car driver or bus passenger and reshaped and sculpted head and face to look like leather helmet and goggles. The seat was cut down from a 1/24 car kit. I added a small scale steam engine based on an early 19th century model (The Rocket, think) I intend this plane to see service with Army Red White and Blue. I'll be painting the outer surfaces of wings and steering and tail. I'll also be adding control sticks and bombs.
Not as daft as you might think. I remember seeing a design for a steam powered model aircraft in a (very) old issue of Hobbies Weekly - about 1920s/30s - and I believe there were samples built in the late 1800s. Not sure how successfully though.