Fezian 'Canaries', A New Addition Of Heavy Infantry And A Fantastical Account Of The Multiverse

Actually, it is not obvious that they are heavy infantry but I painted, in a rough kind of way, chain armour appearing at the neck and sleeves' I just painted black and silver or copper blotches - pretty rough but it does the job.

The bases are the usual card. I needed them quickly so I coated them a little differently to save time. Instead of using PVA and coating in sand to be painted later I mixed some yellow sand coloured acrylic sample pot paint with the PVA and coated the bases before dipping in patches of mixed green flock and a mix of various grades of sand with some pebbles and (unused) kitty litter also mixed in. The bases look fairly good as is and I probably won't paint them.

These figures were among the last of my unpainted David and Goliath set figures. I already have two units that I used as Beersteiners and Bogavanians but these ones I added putty turbans to and lengthened the stumpy spears. I used spare plastic spears and also flower arrangement wire.

The colour scheme is a little confusing as, is well known, yellow and red are common colours for the Beersteiner army. Hwever, the trade mark Fezian purple is till displayed in the turbans, This purple is derived from a beetle or a shellfish, both rare in Beerstein and Bogavania but common enough along in the Fezian mountains and along the shores of Cleo Bay.


Dear reader, you may well have read of the mysterious travels of Marco Pilon and his reports which seem to confirm the theory of genius inventor, Leonardo Di Caprio and also popularised in the romances of Michael Coccmore; the multiverse is real. Marco Pilo found a portal in the wilds of an island called Jurassica. The island was long thought to be mythical but it appears to be real and inhabited by monstrous beasts and human savages. In any case Pilo found a gateway to a parallel universe where peoples and countries had some semblance to our own world. One of those nations was called The Ottoman Empire and its flag was very similar to the particular variation of the Fezian flag carried by the Canaries. Pilo retuned from the gateway only to see the opening in the rocks suddenly close.



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