Manticore And Friends - Hydras And Dragons

I wasn't happy with the skeleton dinosaur tail but I found a better one on my spares box; I think it was a gold coloured robot looking dragon. I added the plastic gem and the end of a plastic tooth picker for the sting. The tail was painted blue black with blue edging. The horns are putty on wire and painted the same colour as the tail.

The lion mane had some reddish brown highlights added and the claws on the wings were painted.

       Here are some smaller dragons, although the blue one might be intended as a different creature as it has a beak.

The hydra is a soft plastic three headed dragon with two extra heads added; these were spares from my Warhammer hard plastic Dark Elf hydra.
                                 I picked up the dragons from a garage (yard) sale. They reflect the larger size of older dragons, although they could be even bigger. The human warrior would be feeling distinctly uncomfortable by now.



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