Battle for Cattooma Village

 King James assembled a large army and invaded Fezia. His flying cavalry column of Crusaders and light archer mercenaries joined the main force. The bulk of the force consisted of those who had, in an earlier battle, fled after the death of the general (King James' son) by comet. A reserve force under Prince Ben the Loved arrived  by move five. This was the first battle of the campaign not on Beerstein territory.

Initially the Fezians looked like they had a chance. The ace under their turbans was a battery of four cannons. The level three Beersteiner wizard, Pobis the Pernicious, had other ideas and brought a mini comet down on the guns. The damage was actually surprisingly small, killing two gunners. Then the Fezians suffered from artillery misfire which caused the siege gun to blow up and it caused a chain reaction destroying another cannon.

Village of Cattoom and Fezian troops as disaster hits the artillery battery.
 Fezians advance. At left is the mercenary mounted bow that had, in a previous battle changed sides.
                                          Fezian Lobsters sneak around the flank of the Fezians
                                        Beersteiner muskets await the enemy mounted archers.

                  Fezian wizards create a vision of a giant cat which the brave Fezians ignore.

                                                                Fezian wagons arrive.

                                       Beersteiner guns arrived too late to participate in the battle.
                                              The Lobsters crash into the enemy light infantry.
             The King, with his crusaders could contain himself no more and charged into the enemy foot plate.

The Beersteiners were overwhelmed by  numbers and fire power. The two Beersteiner wizards, Pobis and Sylvia the Snake (also known as Lylith) were effective in hitting units with bolts of magic energy.

 By the end of battle the Fezians were almost wiped out with a handful of light infantry, a wizard and the commander, Bapka escaping. The wizard, Umonara was captured along with some archers. The Fezian heroes Kambal and Aneesh were dead,


  1. Fantastic report. The terrain was so life-like!

  2. And the furry part of it gave me the name for the village!


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