The 'Conversion' Of Mary And Speedwell Wishing Well Repair

A set of Speedwell farm stuff included two wishing wells, both without rooves. I decided to do something with the more damaged one as it lacked handle and had a bit of the top broken off. I added wire and putty to build up the upper part, wound and tied some plastic rope like material, drilled a hole and added a new handle.

I know I have a Kinder Egg or similar toy handle SOMEWHERE which might have done the job but FINDING it is a different matter so copper wire was employed. I didn't worry too much that it did not look exactly the same. I may yet add a bucket but presently the chain just dangles to some distant bottom.

                               Next: I bought a bunch of Xmas scenes from the Dimney's shop. They just consisted of a crude shelter made from wood with other organic material sprinkled around the base. Underneath was the Virgin Mary (I assume) a sheep, and a baby in cradle. I guess poor Joseph had to find somewhere else to sleep as this shelter is damned small. The figures are all plastic and come painted gold. They are glued in place but are easily wedged off.

Anyhow the Mary figure is useful for a peasant or noble woman. She is kneeling so could be praying or offering subservience to a conqueror etc. The baby basket can be painted as a crude one with hay or a brightly adorned one for a noble child. I used a Super Glue top pourer section to make some kind of noble hat for one of the figures.

           And here is the new roof for the well! This could also be used as a rough animal shelter.

   Here is Mary painted in brown to represent a peasant but she could also be a nun etc.
                                  Here is the well, babies and a Mary undercoated with GW black spray.
                                 Here is the noble woman version of Mary under conversion.

     They are a little crude and it isn't as if I don't have enough plastic animals, but here are the sheep undercoated.


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