Patra Builds Up Its Heavy Cavalry (Supreme Greeks)

At the recent ACOTS I had the opportunity to gain figures to complete wargame units. Among these were six ancient Greek cavalry figures by Supreme. (These were given to me by fellow collector and host, Steve).  As I generally have 12 figures to a cavalry unit I was able to top up an undersized unit so I now have four instead of just three Heavy cavalry for the kingdom of Patra.

As originally wanted them in a hurry I didn't completely repaint them but spruced up the figures here and there. One change was to repaint some of the plumes. Now, in addition to a green, a red and a blue plumed unit I have a black plumed unit. (In the original colours there were red, blue and green but not black).

Eventually I'll paint more detail on the figures and the black plumed figures might even be given black armour, cat heads on shields and flag - The Black Cats. The Patrans not only worship various Greek, Roman and ancient Egyptian gods but also cats and the comet which fell hundreds of years ago and created the Green mist which cut off Patra from the rest of the world until recently.

Actual ancient Greek cavalry would probably not have been so uniformly attired and the flags are anachronistic but that is part of the joy of creating imagi-nations. Nor does it stop me borrowing from any other fantasy or historical wargaming source as the flaf features the Warhammer comet motif,

 I  am considering using these figures also for Dark Elf cavalry to supplement those on reptilian beasts.


  1. Theyā€™re nice! I have a load of the Supreme napoleonics though I still wish Iā€™d bought even more. Never seen these chaps before though.


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