Gillikin Artilery Crew & Staff Officer On A Goat

 I am following the idea that the Gillikin humanoids are among the smallest of the people of Ozzz, much like in  Oz and Ozz. They are, in this, comparable to the Munchkins except that the Gillikins tend to have long beaky noses (like the Winkies) but they have green skin, which is rarer among Munchkins although the Munchkins can have green hair. Also, the Gillikans are particulalry prone to big headism, sometimes startlingly so.

Their cavalry and officers are known for riding goats as well as horses. The goats seem to do just fine as mounts due to the generally small stature of the Gillikans.

On the other hamd the beasts of Gillikan land are often huge. Dire bears, lions and tigers are among such ferocious beasts as well as a kind of bear-tiger hybrid.

Skeleton warriors, usually of normal human height, and other undead mostrosities also walk the land, controlled by the magic of witches.

The Gillikins have been, with great difficulty, regimented somewhat into uniformed and musket armed regiments in colourful uniforms, just like the Munchkins, Winkies and Quadlings.


Below: As indicated in anearlier post the figures started as 45 mm modrn civilians and have been given American Revolution heads. The exception is the pointing figure which was WW2. The gun is BMC.

                             General Bigchin is highly respected for his head wich is enormous even by Gillikin standards. 

As also mentioned elsewhere, my inspiration for this project comes from Baum's series of books on Oz and also the Wars of Ozz book and figures. However, my figures are larger, even the Gillikins and Munchkins and are designed to go with my 54mm'Quadlings and invading humans..


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