Dark Elves Versus Ozzz Game 2
Matt and I, as we often do, switched sides for a follow up game. Matt won the dice off for setting up first and first move. My Ozzz forces deployed to send cannon balls and musket balls into the Dark Elf ranks.
Then some disasters turned the tide as two Ozzz witches' heads exploded in misspells and the dark Elf Cold Ones and monsters arrived began rolling up my right flank.
Below: The Ozzz forces left flank. Evora's rifle regiment are in skirmish formation.
Dark Elf cavalry charge the Ozzz giant.
Evora the Ozzz witch throws up a poppy field which limits the dark Elf movement as they fight sleepiness.
The giant falls doen on the skeleton warriors and kills four of the 'friendlies.'
More Dark Elf archers and a second sorceress arrive from reserve.
After the giant is killed the skeleton warriors move into the breach but are out matched by the dark Elf cavalry. They die a second death.
The rifle regiment are spread through the rocks and trees.
Winkie Guard
On my right flank my Munchkin cavalry charge the advancing Cold Ones cavalry. it is a hopeless charge but buys some time for the rest of the army.
Foreground: munchkin militia take position behind Square Lake.
The militia and Munchkin guard destroy the advancing Dark Elf Wyches but the Medusa survives and charges Zorasster and his guard. The Wizard kills her!
A combination of his trickery and his revolvers put an end to the snakey monster.
The Winkie rifle regiment decimate the harpies.
The sorceress casts deadly spells on the Ozzz forces until a spell misfires and she loses her ability to cast spells.
Although they defeated the skeletons the dark Elf cavalry then are attacked and destroyed by the Dwarves.
The Cold Ones charge the Quadling infantry. The latter survive, for a while, helped by Glenda's magic.
meanwhile the Ozzz scarecrows defeat a Dark Elf chariot but are then charged by dark Elf cavalry and the manticore with Beast Master rider.
The Scarecrows are defeated and flee.
Meanwhile as the Cold One cavalry destroy the Quadling infantry the Quadling cavalry form a firing line and, assisted by Glenda's magic, pour carbine fire into the beasts and riders.
The Hydra charges the Wizard (Zorasster) and his guard.
Meanwhile the Quadling guard shoot the manticore dead but its rider survives and, along with the newly arrived Dark Elf cavalry, charge them.
As a significant portion of the Ozzz army retreats when a witch leader dies, the small remnants on the left flank make a hopeless defence.
The Wizard's magic has weakened the hydra and Dorothy, 'The Traveller' finishes it off with her semi automatic pistol.
Ozzz artillery crews are picked off by enemy archers.
The last stand. The Cold Ones are reduced in numbers but are still deadly.
The last remnants of the Ozzz army
Next week we will play another Ozzz versus dark Elves game with different terrain and slightly different forces. We will see if the Dark Elves gain a third victory.
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