Contemporary Ukrainians/Russians Two Thirds Complete.

 Among my haul of cheapo army men were these modern American infantry. To make them depict a country from the former Soviet Union I needed to convert weapons into Kalashnikovs, not that simple and a bit rough. I suppose I could have depicted other weapons but I wanted to depict them with the most common.

  Anyhow, I gave them a black GW spray undercoat and then slopped on some GW Nurgling Green for the base color of the uniform. I decided to aim for the most recent camo scheme adopted by Ukraine. Then I dappled a darker green before applying a dark green wash. next I added white to the Nurgle and again dappled some highlights. 

I decided to paint helmets and flak vests a dark green. (I examined photo sources to try to get the right shades). This was one variation although these could also follow the camo scheme. The knee pads i made a slightly darker green. I don't know if all the American equipment is necessarily correct but I just fudged it. Presumably there should also be spare magazines for the assault rifle.

Next I need to paint flag patches and eyes as well as some more details here and there. I got ahead of myself and did all this before basing the figures.

The Russians have the same style of uniform but I would use a different camo scheme. I also want to make some civilian volunteers.


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