Multiple Conversions Of Cheapo Modern Infantry

My conversions are often my favorite figures. It is also a joy to make something from a totally different era from the same figure.

Below: The first three figures are the same but altered differently. First is a Ukrainian contemporary soldier with modified weapon to, hopefully, resemble an AK47. Second figure is a Beersteiner horse holder heavy cavalryman late horse and musket or early 'modern'. Because he is from  a parallel universe there was no need to carve the helmet into something 'Prussian' looking or otherwise but I do like spiked helmets and the helmet had a hole drilled and a carved down piece of matchstick inserted. The rope was a plastic piece of gold cord used on various packaging. The third figure is a (17th century equivalent) Beersteiner soldier assigned to guard POWS. I made him specially for a scenario in our last campaign. He has acquired an enemy mace along the way. The figure was closer to 54mm than the bigger figures even though they are all the same pose. The last figure, a differnt pose from the same modern infantry set, was also intended as a guard. I may have gone overboard with his pretty blonde locks. His modern weapon was carved down to resemble a matchlock. He has acquired an enemy shield.

A note on paints; I mainly use acrylics although when I started this hobby it was enamels and sometimes oils for faces.
Enamels are harsh on brushes have very stinky cleanup and are hard to remove from skin. I had run out of a nice yellow acrylic and used a gloss Humbrol enamel. That was two or three days ago and it is still wet. That is another reason I use acrylics.




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