Heads And Sword Arms added To Old Style Britains Cavalry

Today I completed repairing some of my new acquisitions.  The heads and arms came out of the spares box. The paint jobs are not mine and will be redone. The figure with turban already had a head so I'll paint him as Indian cavalry but he needs a nose. The others will be a part of one of my British dragoon regiments.

I like to glue the heads at slightly different angles as I don't envisage them as on parade even though they are 'ceremonial troops'.

                      Here are some of my traditional British (or Redian) cavalry awaiting their new recruits. Most of them are repaired hollowcasts.



  1. A superb collection, thanks for the view. I'm working on converting some plastic Britains horse guards (not the usual Heralds). I never used these figures, preferring my Britains lead, and they were slightly damaged. So I have no qualms at transforming them into something useful; French cuirassiers c.1870. Those home-cast cavalry you purchased are a good buy.

    1. The Eyes Right figures are really nice. The main issue with a lot of those old plastics is potential brittleness.

    2. These cavalry figures seem fine, but you are right about oxidisation with this range, had a load of marines and guardsmen, very brittle. In the end I just used the torsos, repaired the legs, and replaced the rest with home-cast pewter. I think they are now American marines c.1890, dress uniform.


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