Gillikin Or Goblin Conversions From WW2 Figures

These two conversions are intended to add some special figures to my Gillikin regiment (made from GW goblins). They are about a head taller than the other figures in the unit.

The figures themselves are of an intermediate scale and are copies of Airfix WW2. The undercoated figure had a stengun which has been cut down to a holster. As he is pointing he makes a good officer. His face had a small hole drilled in the centre of the face and a horn from a GW dwar helmet inserted. 

The other is one of my favorite poses. I have converted a number of these for 54mm flag bearers. The bulk of the head was removed with a sliver left at the back. An Airfix goblin/Grethchen head was Super Glued to this part of the head which remained. The flag staff is a metal spear. Both figures have the fur hats added that I use as a theme in the unit. I had to remove the hand and arm and replace with putty once the hole was made and the spear inserted.

The size of the figures is meant to represent a smaller race existing along side normal sized humanoids.

 The figures may be used in my Ozzz armies or as goblin auxiliaries to my 54mm/60mm orcs.


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