Space Marines Painted (28mm)

Space Marines are not a big interest for me so why did I paint them? Because they were there! Actually the front ten figures with red and yellow weapons, I painted some time ago. I decided on the ho hum Space marine blue just as an easy and typical paint scheme but there are a multitude of colors corresponding to different 'chapters' and people also invent there own extra ones. I originally went for a sand and grass finish to bases. The more recent ones I left black dry brushed blue-grey so they look okay in a variety of settings.

The six figures to the back left are recent versions of Warhammer 40k Space Marines and they seem to have undergone a growth spurt. Most of the other figures are from the old game, Space Crusade. The bare headed figure with red hair is a metal Inquisition figure. The dreadnaught is Warhammer 40K.

   The Inquisition figure has a white trim so I'll probably change it to yellow to match the others.

          You can see then height difference between the new Space marines at left and the old ones.

 I used a folk acrylic gloss varnish on armor although it turned out to be more of a semi-gloss, which is okay.


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