Britains Royal Archers Needing New Arms

 These are an unusual unit as they are a case of an archer unit persisting into modern times. I have two intact and six with bow arms missing. You can see, with the thick paint absent, that they are very nicely sculpted figures. I assume that the remnant red paint is not original. The reference I have is for dark green uniforms.

I have been looking for replacement arms, so far without success. My plan was to restore them to original appearance but on examining the sculptural detail I am tempted to paint them at a higher level than the originals. I might need to adapt generic arms. putty and wire to replace the missing arms.


  1. Uniform reference - These Royal Archers were seen at the lying in state in Scotland and ceremonials for Queen Elizabethā€™s Funeral

  2. You can make an arm mold with Blue Stuff from the original left arm

    1. This is new territory for me but there are a few things I would like to mold so I'll give it a go. I watched a couple of tutorials on it and it does not look hard. The two part putties used to place in the Blue Stuff molds might work out expensive if a lot of figures or parts are made. I have some old Timpo swoppets I'd like to make a few hundred copies of!) However this stuff would be ideal for making spare parts.

  3. That is the first time I heard of 'Blue Stuff'.


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