Workbench Projects October, From Toy Vehicle To Gorilla Warfare And Napoelonic British Cavalry

I am flitting from one project to another, just like Leonardo d Vinci, but hopefully, unlike Leonardo, I'll eventually complete them.

BELOW: Conversions of op shop vehicle finds:

The battlewagon is gradually taking shape.

The plane has traded in its propellors for a squeeze yoghurt top. It also has a seat from a car kit..
The hollow wings and floaters have been filled with clay. This was non hardening, so I coated it with Modge Podge. Another gap was covered with card.
The dragon on wheels has lost his wheels and some gaps filled. As mentioned in a previous post he is going to be a scenic piece painted as stone. I'm going to keep those wonderful red eyes.

                                       The Polish made French grenadier is now fully repaired.
    Gorilla warfare - these will be a unit in the Land of Ozzz, probably in Arella's army.
Alien or fantasy plants. Some overly scratched CDs and DVDs (one was Deliverance) with fish tank plants, bark and stones hot glued to them.
Timpo Action Pack Napoleonic British cavalry modified. The head was reattached to face the front and the plume replaced with a putty one. The middle painted one is unmodified.
                    The smaller figure is a modified hard plastic Mokarex cavalryman who will join my Munchkin heavy cavalry unit. I may make a mold from it to make some extra figures.

Metal French Revolution or early Napoleonic artillerymen. They may have been Rose brand. The American Indian squaw is of an unknow brand.

                                           Metal running or dancing Greek or Roman woman.

                                             The Polish made grenadier is here fully painted.

   The cowboy should not drink and ride. He is a recent cheapo Chinese made cowboy on a Britains horse. He is a little big for the horse or he is just a big man.

   I just finished these mummies to join my existing mummy unit. They will play a role in my Undead army.
Three figures that have little in common except for being prone. The Indian is a hollow cast. The hole in the top of his head was too big to leave so I filled it in with putty. The WW2 (?) figure was converted by someone from a Herald prone guardsman. I repainted the face, hands and equipment. The Apache is a resin copy of Timpo.



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