Wargame Club 40K Game

 Today I observed the local wargaming club playing 40K. They were all getting back into playing 40K so the moves took a while. There was an unholy alliance on one side between Tyranids and Tau versus the other two players with Space Marines.

The most annoying thing with GW is that the rules books are frequently made redundant with production of new rule sets. The rules books cost around $80. Supposedly, each time the rules are improved. That might well be, but the real reason is to encourage people to spend more money. Of course, you could keep playing the old rules but as people get together with other players who might not be regular game partners it is best to be on the same page.

Anyhow, I'll probably succumb and buy my fourth rules book and codexes for orks and Dark Eldar, which for some reason, are now called something else, which I forget how to spell! Apparently, the Space Orks are now toughness 5 rather than 4 which is good news for ork players. This is the exception to my usual 54mm games. I haven't played 40K for a few years, so I'll be wiping off the dust from my orks.

                                                             Tau take the high ground.

                                                                        Very shooty Tau

                                                  These deep striking Space Marine terminators were about to have their hands full; it didn't end well for them. By the way, deep strikers no longer scatter when they land. Previously they could meet catastrophe if they scattered on to terrain or off the board.


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