Chancer's Rescue Mission

 Chancer decided to do his bit for the Redian serving men. For once it appeared to be not a self serving action by Chancer. The Boondooga Campaign was taking its toll and the wounded needed evacuation. No more troop ships were available so Redian civilians with boats joined the effort. Chancer just happened to be in the area. 

One mystery of the campaign involved the Boondooga sultan's famous giant ruby. The Redians had taken the capital and Mohammad Croopoo had fled. When Redian sailors and soldiers captured the palace the Sultan's ruby crown was found to be missing its ruby. It was assumed that Croopoo had removed it from the crown and taken it with him. After fleeing to another African nation, Zoohoo, Croopoo wrote his memoirs and insisted he had no time to take anything but the clothes on his back. Fortunately, for him he had already sent much of his wealth to Zoohoo but the mystery remains as to who took the ruby.


After Chancer delivered the wounded to a Redian held island the Senior Medical officer and the nurses took charge of the wounded.


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