Plate Armored Skeleton Cavalry Painted.

 These are just the first two; eventually I'll have twelve plate armored Undead cavalry.

I aimed for a dark bronze with brighter highlights and a murky looking cape. The latter was achieved by adding three or four colors while the paint was still wet. I might also add some green corrosion to the armor.

Normally I'd quibble about the size of the riders contrasted with the mounts but I decided it is permissible in this case of skeleton riders. Both horses and riders are made in China (or Hong Kong with the mounts, I think). The original riders were smaller and copies of Britains Detail knights. 

The bases were cut from binder card and coated in PVA and various sands, kitty litter, tea leaves etc. (I never buy model shop sand, I mean the stuff is just about everywhere, although I suppose if you lived in an inner city apartment it might be more of an issue unless you visited a building site). I could leave the bases like that but I shall most likely paint them.

I have heard people complain about the stem in the Britains (and copies) Detail horses' bellies. I knew some individuals who replaced them with HK copies of Herald horses bases as they looked like grass or shrubs. The Detail style ones can be made inconspicuous by coating them in PVA, flock and sisal string or blonde dolls' hair.


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