Undead Cavalry Upgrade - Undead With Dinosaur Skull heads!

Dinosaur heads on Undead warriors? Yes, preposterous! But then so too is the idea of animated human skeletons! I assume that skeleton warriors are the product of magic so why not summon the odd mish mash skeleton. After all, there were small and baby dinosaurs so why not combine their skulls with a humanoid skeleton?

The mounts I painted years ago and didn't get around to adding riders. They are made in China or Hong Kong copies of Britans Detail. I have painted many of these for other units. The horses are painted in a ghostly pale green. These riders are a little big for the horses but this can't be more incongruous than the dinosaur heads.

The rider with the pterosaur head also had his arm modified, half bead eyeballs added, new sword and putty filler and cloak. The other rider had the shield arm cut and bent to a more protective pose. 

The addition of eyeballs is a whimsical one, but why not?

I might paint the riders without undercoating as they already have good base colors for dry brushing. I'll then be relying on the overcoats to protect the paint.

 The armor will probably be painted a dark bronze. The cloak could be a bright color or a dingy rotted grey or brown. I'll post picks when I finish. These are the first two of some heavily armored Undead cavalry. previously my Undead cavalry have just been mounted skeleton warriors.


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