Dire Chasm Warhammer Vampires Painted

 I just finished the vampires my daughter gave me. I used a few different tones on the pale faces; they are not just painted white. The red was a mix of a couple of colors and glossed where it was armor. My daughter tells me the paint job on the female vampire's face is not so good!

For those familiar with these figures you will notice that the vampire at right looks different from the manufactured product. Well, you would be right. I could not find his face! I am assuming it somehow got flicked off when I was cutting things off the sprue rather than it was not in the set. Anyhow, I looked through my spare heads and found a Dark Elf one which looked compatible, so my vampire is now absolutely unique, with a spiky helmet.

                  The winged vampire had his wings painted with an off white and given two light washes of crimson and blue.

                                                 Look at the detail of the skull on the base!
                                                And there is that statue head I love so much!

                   here they are compared to another Games Workshop figure - a Dark Elf Wych which is somewhat smaller.
                      Here is another size comparison this one to one of my 54mm vampires, an unknown metal figure.


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