Expedtionary Force Alexander The Great Painted

 This is the first Expeditionary Force figure I have painted. Given the magnitude of Alexander and his achievement I did give this figure some decent painting time.

  Alexander formed history's first shock cavalry. Considering that they did not have stirrups this must have needed even more skill than history's later shock cavalry.

  The most common depictions of Alexander suggest he had blonde hair. I couldn't find anything on his eye color but gave him green eyes. The color of his clothes show a combination of either white and red or white and purple with gold trim.

  His horse, Bucephalus was black with a white star on his head covered here by the head armor). he had a blue 'wall eye'. I didn't know which side but put it on the left side.

I can see from the photographs that I need to clean up a few details, especially on the eyes of rider and horse.


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