

I had never heard of Zardoz, but as he is part of the retro SF range I just ordered I looked up the film.

The hero, Zed, is second from the left. I am fixing this after Archduke Piccolo has told me the facts! Zardoz is the flying face deity.

The DVD was apparently delivered today so I'll find out more but looked up the stills and plot outline and it looks interesting. But that outfit, Sean Connery wears! It kind of looks like a Borat crossed with Vampirella! It also makes the character look like a male Barbarella except he lacks the jocularity and is more of an anti-hero.
The plot outline is intriguing, and I dig the flying stone head!
Anyhow, I like kind of weird figures to add to my collection so expect Serhiy's Zed to be painted up along with Flash, Buck and Barb etc.


  1. I've seen Zardoz - the name is actually given to the 'flying head', a pseudo-deity. The Sean Connery character is called 'Zed'. Zed manages to hitch a ride on the head to infiltrate the ruling 'Eternals' - immortal layabouts - who run the world. Moderately interesting movie for the story it tells, but not the action movie like Sean Connery's other venture into SF, 'Outland'.

  2. I have not seen it yet, so I'll fix that information in the post.


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