Flesh Shadows Or SF Horror Uses For The Worst Plastic Army Men

 Among my recent army men acquisitions were some flat and tall modern army men that were certainly among the most horrible toy soldiers I have ever seen! But you know the saying, 'Everything is beautiful in its own way'. Really, even leeches, fly maggots, rotting carcasses and dog poop? Well, have a look at some Warhammer Chaos Nurgle models covered in pustules and yucky stuff. Yeah they are beautiful in a warped kind of way.

  Being a regular reader of the blog, Death Zap, also inspired me to create some SF horror figures from even crude cheapo plastic toy soldiers.

  Anyway, back to my skinny, distorted army men. So, this is the back story: Some evil government/private corporation/aliens have been fiddling around with artificial life forms for use in military applications. The resultant creatures mimic what they are programmed to, in this case soldiers. They take their outward appearance but retain the fleshy form. Clothes and skin, equally, have the same pinkish color. Only the weapons are not organic.

  The Flesh Shadows are deadly in close combat and resistant to bullets. They must be shot with enough bullets to cut them into pieces. Some varieties of these organic weapons will even rejoin and continue to fight. Flame throwers and napalm are the most effective weapons against them. In fact, a resurgence of the use of flame throwers has occurred in mid to late 21st century battlefields.

   The creatures will have some resemblance to zombies as they suffer no bad morale and are relentless. I will make them effective in close combat but poor at shooting.

The paint was a crimson wash over white with light pinkish white dry brushing.


  1. I got these for my oldest son years ago, but we thought that they were so horrible that we used them for targets for BB-gun shooting. We put up a squad each and used for targets. The first one to eliminate a squad 'won'. I remember the plastic was quite brittle so the soldiers broke when they were hit.
    Reading your post, I regret I didn't keep some to make a 'zombie-squad'.

  2. I just had a look at the post. I love it. I like to see invented worlds, uniforms and vehicles. Is that world still seeing action? My invented nations, presently in the 17th century equivalent of technology (but some also less developed) might survive long enough to see lasers and other nifty futuristic weapons. I am anticipating a technology jump every one or two years of my time and fifty to one hundred of my world's years.

  3. I am getting drawn into the cheap army men toys even as I also buy more expensive toy soldiers. What I like about the former are the doubly mishappen ones that came out of the molds the wrong way. I am thinking of making a separate collection of awkward and distorted figures! Now I can also justify playing with anatomically weird and mishappen figures because they are really horrible and evil experiments!


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