Timpo Cowboy Prisoner Undercoated

 This post is not too exciting as it is just an undercoat. I undercoated the figure first with mat enamel varnish. I read somewhere it is supposed to help guard against lead rot but I did miss a spot on his hand because he does not stand up and had to be held with a peg. I could have varnished the hand later but decided I wanted to get on with the next undercoat. This time I intend to paint with acrylics, so I used a Games Workshop white spray undercoat which is a good undercoat for them.

    That was probably excessive caution to use the varnish and I really have not noticed lead rot in my old lead figures. The exception were a bunch of home castings that might have once been kept somewhere damp. I ended up throwing those out as they had no collectable value anyway.


 You can see in the undercoat how the figure comes together. The head is meant to be leaning to one side. I have assumed that the prisoner would have had his hat and gun taken by his captor. For his sake I hope his captors are not American Indians known for their torture of captives. This was not universal but was a common practice. The shoes were also filled in with putty.

  In the not too distant future I'll upload a picture of the finished figure.


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