The Quetzalcoatl Shrine of Aztecia, Repurposed Op Shop Toy

A few posts back I featured this toy, which was originally bright orange and which I filled in gaps with, first plasticine and later air drying clay. The areas were too big to use the more expensive Green Stuff.
I was so taken with the eyes that I masked them when I undercoated for a black spray undercoat.
The model is meant to be a statue or monument but with those eyes it could be used as a living creature.
You can see below that I went to town with my Aztecia figures as they don't conform to historical Aztec costume. The raw materials were cheapo American Indians, Crescent knights, copies of cresecent knights with strange differences like ancient Greek looking helmet plumes, and others.

  The priest or sorcerer has a mini dinosaur head used for his headdress. Unlike the real Aztecs some of mine have adapted to wearing metal armor.



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