100 Random Fantasy Campaign Events Including Lady Godiva!


I finally got around to typing up a new list of 100 random events for our fantasy campaign. I lost my old one. It took a few hours. but I think it is worth it.

  I aimed to balance the good and bad luck for the two sides in the campaign. Some outcomes require further dice rolls, including to see which sides and armies they apply to. Some will have no impact; for example, a sleep causing fairy statue will not be relevant if no troops are in a forest at that time.

 Some are more impactful than others or can be ignored - for a while. others might well be devastating. 
This is a fantasy campaign, so some things are way out and I make no apologies at all!

  For the Time Tunnel and Time Warp events I will add qualifications before we dice to see who gets the benefits. Just how long will 19th or 20th century ammunition last before the futuristic troops are down to bayonets, swords and matchlocks?

  The aim is to roll for these events every four map moves. The possibility of raids, or even invasions from third countries means leaving frontier areas empty of garrisons in order to fight the initial enemy could be disastrous.

 I just got a new 100 sided die and I am awaiting a 120 sided one! That means adding another 20 events so any suggestions are welcome. Of course you can also use a couple of ten-sided dice to get the same percentage scores. One of them would be used for the tens. Alternatively, one could be a twenty sided die.

  It all adds more suspense to a campaign.


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