Planet Of The Apes Figures By ElastoWit


What can I say but WOW! Serhiy Marchenko's ElastoWit toy soldier business continues to put out more ranges of movie tie-ins as well as historical figures.

  The 1960s and 70s POTA movies are among my favorite SF movies. Charleton Heston played his usual cynical tough guy role and as the stranger in a strange world. A lot of things gave the first two movies, Planet of the Apes and beneath the planet of the Apes cult status. There was the inventive, crazy sounding music, the costumes (that got an award) and the actors that made it. This is in the era before the advanced computer animation, so it was down to having convincing ape costumes and masks. The storyline was also captivating with the reversal of human and animal roles.

  One thing I especially liked was the ape army. The purple uniforms with black leather and the somehow familiar but different and beautifully designed firearms were magnificent. The pink flag with some weird ape alphabet that looked like 'Jeb' also caught my attention.

  POTA figures have been done in large action figures, 28mm metal ones by Eureka Miniatures in Australia, by MPC hard plastic in 60mm and now these wonderful figures from Ukraine.

  Taylor looks suitably defiant and imposing now he has a rifle. I mean it is fitting given Heston's activity with the NRA. Two things humans are good at are weapons and blowing things up so the apes will soon meet their match. Actually, in Beneath The Planet Of The Apes he blows up the Earth! 

Nova looks scrumptious although I'm not sure if she was quite that boosumy. The apes look suitably apey and with a range of weapons, including club and snare.

  There will be more tie-ins that I am guessing will include more ape characters. There will be a Statue of Liberty (not to scale, I am assuming) and maybe mutants. 

  I liked how in Battle for Planet of the apes the post nuclear exchange world had humans living in radioactive ruins. Their leader was war-like and initiated a stoush with the apes in the woods where other humans had a subservient role to their ape masters. kill or be killed was his philosophy. Humans could still speak. The sickly ruins humans would be the future mutants as evidenced by their close-fitting skull caps. Dressed in black and dull army greens they venture out with clapped up cars and bus and shoot a few apes, but they are ambushed by gorilla cavalry who slaughter the lot. here must be some left in the city, though, to make mutant descendants. I think some future ElastoWit figures will be based on this movie also.


  1. Some very talented designers in the Ukraine, Q. Would like to acquire some historical miniatures at a later date. Unfortunately, they are a little too expensive in the UK to raise armies.

  2. I tend to use such figures to add variety to my existing armies or to make character figures. Unfortunately, no one did many POTA figures except for the large action figures and the smaller ones by Eureka. MPC ones are hard to get and also expensive.

  3. Nice miniatures!
    It seems like several others are into something POTA-minis now. It really wants to make me do something similar.

    1. I'm not familiar with anyone else making POTA miniatures, what I actually meant was that it seems like there are other fellow gamers who recently have posted blog-posts or FB-posts on these miniatures for POTA gaming. I'm ot getting these miniatures, but they motivate me to try doing a POTA styled game in the future.


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