Doctor Who Conversions

Doctor Who was a TV show I grew up with and I have a special nostalgia for the earliest Doctors. My very favorites were the first two. Although they were aliens they were very 'human' in their foibles and vulnerabilities, unlike the reinvention of the Doctor, in more recent times, where he began to resemble a god or superhero.

The third Doctor was not my favorite but he did a good job as the 'man of action' with martial arts skills that reflected the life of the actor, a war hero. I decided to make this Doctor and to do it I converted a vampire from a Tube of Monsters. The head (which was oversized anyway) was replaced with a Hong Kong swoppet Indian head and the lustrous hair added from putty. The frills on the shirt were also made from putty. He was given a Sonic Screwdriver from wire. The figure is only 50 mm so a little small compared to the other figures.

The Dalek I picked up with seven others at a Sunday flea market some years ago. I suspect they are home-cast copies of Corgi figures. The Davros figure is from Corgi.

    I also was given some metal copies of Corgi Cyber Men. I decided to play around with them. The one at far left was given a head from a 1/24 scale race track figure kit. She is either recently turned into a cyborg or she is a spy pretending to be one.
                                       The middle figure below has also been given a new head. I forget which head I used but it might have been from a bareheaded Crescent knight. The tubes were added from fuse wire. I painted him in a sickly flesh color. The idea is he has recently been 'assimilated' but long enough ago to look disgusting.



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