From Seed Pods To Model Plants

 I found a bunch of prickly seed pods at a beach foreshore and decided I could use them.

                                                 Below: A 45mm alien takes cover

                                      A 28mm metal Inquisition Miniatures orc creeps through cover.
                                                                    A 54mm prince
                                                                    A 20mm figure

                                               Seed pods coated in PVA, prior to painting

  The pods were hot glued to a CD as were some stones I picked up on a camping trip. A mix of sand, pebbles and kitty litter were also glued to the base.

   The rocks were not painted but the pods were painted bright light green and, after dry, given a darker green wash. The ground was painted ochre sand color and then given a dark brown wash before being dry brushed with light sand color. Some slight dry brushing was also applied to the stones.

  I intended these pods to be alien plants but they could just be regular bushes or even cacti. Another opting would be to add some wire to make tendrils, probably red in color.


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