Buckskin 1812 War American Riders

These ElastoWit figures are intended as War of 1812 American cavalry. Troops wearing buckskins were common in American armies from the AWOI, The War of 1812, various Indian wars, The Texas War of Independence and the Mexican War.

  These riders are especially good for volunteer cavalry. Buckskins could be dyed various colors, but I decided to be conservative and just painted them a plausibly buckskin color.

I have not decided what horses I'll place them on. I might make additional mounted buckskin troops from converting the bald Accurate AWOI foot figure loading. War of 1812 interests me but I am yet to paint troops especially for it. However, I have got a few boxes of AIP War of 1812 infantry. Any troops I paint will also serve for my fantasy campaign and various historical wars.


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