January 2024 Workbench Projects, A Wild Assortment

Often I like to paint random figures as it is more fun than the tedious job of painting whole regiments.
Below are an assortment of varied toy soldiers.

First up are an Airfix commando, a 40mm metal 18th century grenadier drummer, an armed metal civilian, a metal home casting of an AIP Japanese and a longbowman.

The commando had a damaged pistol so I just trimmed it off as soldiers are not always firing their guns. The drummer will be part of one of my Munchkin regiments. The civilian was missing an arm so I thought why not give him a weapon? I found the home cast arm in the spares box. He can now be a civilian volunteer, partisan or a hunter. The magazine rifle puts him at late 19th century onwards.

  The Japanese soldier is late 19th century to early 20th and is in my experimental color scheme; it is historically incorrect, except for the first Britains production which did their ones in light grey-blue coats before correcting the uniform to dark blue coats in a subsequent set. Eventually I want to do 24 of these as a unit for my pseudo-Japanese imagi-nation. So, I am copying an incorrect uniform reference - deliberately because I like the look of it!

  This French revolution or early Napoleonic figure is, I think, a French made one. I am nearly finished it but will check some references for the smaller details. In the background are some Technolog post- apocalyptic figures.
   This crude little metal baby elephant came to me in a degraded black paint finish so I repainted it. It has no brand name.

    Another 40mm 18th century figure, a Chinese copy of Airfix Indian, another French? made Napoleonic with new DSG sword and a flat metal Prussian drummer

     The Jesse James plastic copy of Lone Star medallion figure, and a Starlux archer repainted
                metal wolf, Technolog reptilian alien, two solid, probably homecast brits, WW1 and 2 and a Hilco Indian repaired.
                           Repainted copy of Herald Modern British (1950s) radio operator
Toy hotrod converted into ork vehicle, yet to be painted. I actually like the existing paint scheme, but it might not suit the new subject.



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