More January Workbench - Ape With Steam Claw, Japanese Blanket Roll, Howling Wolf, Ork Vehicle, Scorpion Man And Time Machines

 'Workbench' actually means 'hodgepodge.' You can see what I mean!

 Below, first up are the time machines. ElastoWit made these from kit plastic and they have to be assembled.  The 'Tardis' (not really marketed as such) had the most straightforward construction but I found, with both time machines I had to trim some parts to make them fit. However, I always wanted my own Tardis and this is pretty cool. By the way, the ruin is Warhammer 40K. I love the Gothic buildings that are large enough to also use for my favored scale of 1/32.

                                                           Here it is undercoated black.
  HG Wells's Time Machine was also in a kit, of gold plastic and here it is undercoated minus the wheel thingy at the back as it fell down from my work bench and is now in that void that kit parts disappear into.
 In fact, I earlier also lost one half of the control panel and had to male a new half from a mold and did so in resin. I also broke part of the sleigh looking bit and had to glue it back together. (I hate assembling kits and I struggled getting parts to stay in place). 
  Next is a Monster In My Pocket. These are strange and interesting figures but rather rubbery. I made a rubber mold from it. The metal casting's stumpy little tail did not fully come out so i made a new one from wire, green Stuff and a plastic bead. The face did not come out well.

   Oh, out of sequence but I had stood on a cool little windmill I painted ages ago and I might use the blades as a replacement on the Time machine if the original does not turn up.
                                         Back to the scorpion man he looks vaguely Assyrian.

  I decided to paint his face with exaggerated features to make up for the engraved detail's absence. I painted his lower body and tail a metallic purple, the bead red and the armor and arm bands bronze. The toes that look a bit like bird feet, I painted yellow.

 the Japanese metal copy of AIP had some distortion at the back so I added a Milliput blanket roll to cover it. the ape with steam stack and power claw is a metal figure from Eureka Miniatures meant to go with their 28mm Apes in Boiler suits series. He would have been large in that scale but is just a chimp in 1/32.  The wolf was a metal figure given to me by my firend Steve, a couple of years ago.
  This is the partially repainted toy monster car. It has some added Warhammer 40K pieces but I'll add more weapons.


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