The First Two Gumball Goblins Painted

    I am more pleased than I expected to be in these castings from a crude rubber figure. That I made the mold adds to my satisfaction.

  I shoild really have bulked out the capes before casting. Oh well, they are not hard to make but do take quite a bit of putty by the time I finish the regiment of 24.

  The figure on the right has the matchstick nose. I decided to give the goblins monobrows as they seem to have them molded on. They remind me of someone I once knew. This picture reminded me that I am going to add pointy little teeth! The black is meant to represent open mouths, not moustaches! I forgot. I painted the figures in Warhammer style with green skin a bit paler than orcs. However, Warhammer goblins generally don't have armor. As they are bad guys, I at least gave them dull bronze armor even though I like bright bronze. I also painted the eyes red and added one to the shields. I was going to keep the clothes in dull colors, but I had just been painting some POTA gorilla soldiers and had purple paint left over on a lid. Waste not want not.

The green on the bases is a strange shade but I'll be largely covering it with green flock.

 Eventually I'll give them a flag bearer and maybe a musician. They will join my 1/32 orc fantasy army.

I might also paint some as Hobbits, Dwarfs and Undead.


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