Gigantic Mechanized Minnie Mouses Battle the Daleks.

 The arrival of the metal encased genocidal aliens came as a shock to the world. However, the Disney corporation combined with defence contractors in the US to construct the gigantic Minnies. These ones have already thrown their handbag explosive devices but without harming the Daleks. They now hope to melee with the aliens and crush them with their immense feet. The Daleks might have other ideas.

   Actually, I just made that up! I must be aware of the havoc caused by Orsen Wells' War of the Worlds radio broadcast and not risk a repeat of people believing this all to be actually, literally true.

  The Minnie Mouses are polystyrene, and their ears largely snapped off, as did one pair of legs. it was a laborious effort to reattach. I am painting these for my cousin Kerrie, who likes to collect such things.



  1. A photo worthy of a caption competitionā€¦
    Alan Tradgardland


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