Confrontation At The Ubangi Village - Explorers And Natives

 Professor Stan Laurel, Amerigan explorer and great white hunters, Errol Finn and Preston Ukon, have their native bearers carry the supplies ashore from the boat. They are searching for the Missing Redian missionary/explorer Livingpebble.

The apparently peaceful village suddenly comes alive with the vicious Ubangi headhunters and cannibals. There among them is the missing Livingpebble.

The explorers are excellent shots but there are many tribesmen so they decide to try negotiations.

The cannibals offer to turn over Livingpebble in return for the native bearers and supplies. The Ubangi rub their bellies as they look at the bearers. The latter roll their eyes in terror.

  The bearers look like they will run or swim for it rather than calmly return to the boat - not a good plan with the croc infested Shoongoonga River.
 Stanley tells the bearers to slowly go back to the boat. He knows some Ubangi and gives the native leader a steely look. 'Look here, you blasted savage but unless you free our friend here, we will use our white man's magic on you'. The native looks unimpressed and gives a sick smile of filed pointy teeth. So far, the Ubangi know nothing of guns.

     'Right men,' whispers Stanley, on the count of three let them have it!' 
    All three men open up with their firearms. Stanley shoots his Remington rifle, blasting away half the head of Livingpebble's captor's head. Errol Fin opens up with the dinosaur gun and three Ubangi drop to the ground, two instantaneously dead and the other trying to push his entrails back into what little remains of his belly. Ukon fires his shotgun and two more natives are wounded. The rest of the tribe flees into the jungle.

  'Doctor Livingpebble, I presume!' says Stanley to the former captive.

   'Jolly good show, hey, what? Another day and I would have been in the cooking pot!' Then the poor man collapsed, obviously having suffered from numerous privations.

  The Explorers walked through the village and found discarded human hands and feet from around the fires from the cannibals' feast. The victims were from the subordinate Shoony tribe. Disgusted by the remains, Ukon returned to the wounded prisoner, withdrew a colt revolver from his holster and shot him in the head. He probably did him a kindness as he had only a short time to survive his wounds.

   'Finally, civilization, has come to this benighted jungle!' added Ukon.

Meanwhile, in Europa a terrible war is taking place.


  1. Great 'battle report'. -Very narrative. Great story you made around a small skirmish!


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