Has Scarlett O'Hara Fainted? - Conversion of ElastoWit Figure

 In my current mania of making recyclable molds of various unusual figures I changed an already unusual figure from ElastoWit. I did not want to alter the original figure, so I made a mold from gelatin and Glycerin and poured resin into it. This kind of mold is not two part and has some limitations. The figure is complicated because it is one figure holding up another. I found that the feet of the woman would not come out so had to mold them on with Green Stuff and probably at an unrealistic angle.

   The original figure is based on a French story set in the 18th century. I'm not familiar with the background but decided to adapt it for something else. I added a putty slouch hat, and the high boots reminded me of some of the dashing uniforms worn by Confederate cavalry officers. The only other change was to trim of the tied back hair, but I did accidentally leave the bottom half of the ribbon which is now meant to be the end of a hidden neckerchief. The lady I gave a green dress, inspired by the one worn by Scarlet, which was meant to be made from curtains, although I see now it had long sleeves.

   I doubt if Scarlet has really fainted, and she is probably tricking the officer to gain his attentions.

  This particular pose is highly unusual, and not one I have come across before in toy soldier land. The figures are generic enough to represent all kinds of situations and characters.

                                          Well, actually, her dress was a lot more flamboyant!

                                                          And her red dress even more so!

With all the contemporary, woke angst about these beautiful old films being pro-Confederate and 'racist' it just makes them more attractive, as does any 'forbidden fruit'. The irony is that a black actress in it won an award for her performance, one of the first in American films.

   Nothing is ever simple. Two things can be simultaneously true. Slavery could be brutal with forced family separations and whippings for slaves that tried to escape but there was also genuine affection between slave owning families and their slaves, especially the house servants. Elderly slaves were taken care of. Many slaves hid their masters from Yankee soldiers or fought alongside them as did some free Negroes.



  1. Very cool. I admire your inventiveness.

  2. Hi Q. Certainly some interesting casting there (both in your mould making, and in movie history). I assume you are unable to just cut out some of the mould to refigure the missing parts? I have often had to increase venting on some silicon-rubber moulds, and have even added some new details to increase a mould's productivity.
    Michael G.B.


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